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Liquid Cytokines Brochure

Streamline your cell culture process with our new liquid frozen formulations of animal-free RUO and GMP IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15. These ready-to-use cytokines eliminate reconstitution errors while still providing the same potency and consistency as our lyophilized proteins. Simply thaw and add to your cell culture.
Application Notes

CAR NK-92 cell–mediated depletion of residual TCR+ cells

Utilization of G-Rex by introducing a new scalable depletion method: Coculturing target CAR T cells with an NK-92 cell line in G-Rex to purify their CAR T cells and promote CAR T cell expansion at the same time.
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Scientific Posters

Development of large-scale expansion protocol for NKG2C-positive NK cells for treatment of glioblastoma

This scientific poster presented at CIMT 2023 investigates glioblastoma, a WHO grade IV glioma and the most common primary adult brain tumor, and the expression of elevated levels of HLA-E that block NK cells with expression of the inhibitory NKG2A receptor, aiming to establish a large-scale ex vivo expansion of functional NKG2C+ NK cells.  Doing so from peripheral blood employing bottom-gas permeable membrane bioreactors (G-Rex) and using a recently developed PC-3 feeder cell line genetically engineered with IL-2, membrane-bound IL-15, as well as a first generation single chain trimeric HLA-E molecule.
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Marker TX T-cell Manufacturing Simplification

Join Anastasiya Smith, Snr. Director of R&D at Marker Therapeutics for a 15-minute pre-recorded webinar covering the first critical steps in successful automation through simplification with the G-Rex platform.
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Proven Process

This is our proven process illustrating how ScaleReady works in a true partnership with your T and NK cell therapy program to enable the successful commercialization of your drug. This is a linear left-to-right, as well as a holistic view, of how at every stage, we look to simplify, streamline, and scale by offering expertise and support for your cell therapy program. Through our proven process, we deliver practical and viable solutions by providing the most simple, scalable, and versatile manufacturing products. Our process is proven, as our products are represented in approved CAR-T drugs around the globe.

RUO and GMP IL-2 Cytokine Brochure

GMP Recombinant Human IL-2 joins IL-7 and IL-15 produced within Bio-Techne’s dedicated animal-free GMP facility located in St. Paul MN USA. Our GMP-grade IL-2 contains the same cysteine to serine mutation found in Proleukin®. This mutation has been reported to prevent cysteine mispairing in E.coli, which can lead to protein aggregation and makes our new GMP-grade IL-2 protein soluble in injectable-grade water.

IL-2, IL-7 and IL-15 Cytokines Brochure

IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15 are critical cytokine components to many successful T and NK cell therapy programs.  Choosing these cytokines from a partner that can offer seamless translation from RUO to GMP means that the consistency across lots, the confidence in bioactivity, and cost-effectiveness are no longer barriers to manufacturing with consistency, translating with speed and scaling without limitation.  Learn more about these powerhouse cytokines in this brochure.

Recombinant Human IL-7 GMP

GMP-grade Recombinant Human IL-7 can now be produced at a game-changing scale within Bio-Techne’s new dedicated animal-free GMP facility. This flyer details manufacturing benefits and product specifications for GMP IL-7, including comparison to animal-free research-grade rhIL-7 to enable a seamless transition to GMP.
Case Studies

Transition to Closed-system T Cell Expansion Leads to Process Optimization

In this case study, ScaleReady helped an autologous T cell therapy company rapidly transition to a closed-system process for cell expansion by providing a testing plan to verify that G-Rex500M-CS closed-system bioreactors would meet their immediate cell production requirements and improve cell production efficiency, while adhering to their short timelines for going into clinical trials. In doing so, the company also uncovered small changes to their cell culture protocols that made a big impact on their cell production efficiency.
Case Studies

Forecasting a Commercially Viable T Cell Therapy Manufacturing Process

In this case study, a company requested help from ScaleReady to build business case for G-Rex®500M-CS bioreactors as the primary cell production platform for their autologous TCR T cell therapy pipeline. ScaleReady modeled operational costs for an autologous TCR T cell therapy company using G-Rex bioreactors. This provided transparency into long-term commercial viability of the ScaleReady platform.
Case Studies

GMP Cytokines Optimization for Closed System T Cell Therapy Manufacturing

In this case study, a company focused on autologous T cell therapies targeting solid tumor cancers was progressing into clinical trials and needed to transition from research-grade to GMP-grade cytokines. Concurrently they wanted to improve their methods of cytokine supplementation to reduce cytokine waste, improve dose accuracy across lots, and reduce process risk by defining methods for closed-system cytokine addition. ScaleReady detailed a plan to help them achieve these goals.

Future of T Cell Manufacturing using G-Rex Closed-system Bioreactors

This video animation demonstrates a vision toward the industrialization and automation of T cell therapy manufacturing using G-Rex Bioreactors.

Video was created by Wilson Wolf Manufacturing Corporation.
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